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Network Integration


Rose Datasystems, Inc.

Rose HA software delivers a highly reliable solution for building highavailability for SPARC based Client/Server environments. Rose HAsoftware allows you to provide a fully automatic failsafe system forNFS/NIS file servers, DBMS/transaction processing servers and relatedapplications.Rose HA is used to provide server redundancy capability; if a fault isdetected, Rose HA can either retry jobs, or failover to standby server.Additionally, Rose ONS (On-line Network Suite) support redundant networksfor maximum reliability. Automatic fault event-notification is availablevia Rose GDT allowing Rosa HA to report failures to a designated systemadministrator via a modem

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Rose Datasystems, Inc.
1630 Oakland Rd Suite A 110
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: (408) 453-9168
Fax: (408) 453-9166